It has pixel dimensions of 320 by 240 (4:3) or 352 by 264 (16:9), depending on the aspect ratio of the source video.
Aspect ratios are mathematically expressed as x:y (pronounced "x-to-y") and xxy (pronounced "x-by-y"), with the latter particularly used for pixel dimensions, such as 640x480.
However, our own John Siracusa suggests that if and when Apple increases the resolution, it will simply double the pixel dimensions to 2048 x 1536.
Further options allow the image to be mailed full size, or in pixel dimensions of: 640 x 480, 800 x 600, and 1024 x 768.
There has also been a decrease in the individual pixel dimensions.
He can simply specify a few key screen elements (center, corner, etc.) and some pixel dimensions and the display layer will do the rest.
In digital images, there is a distinction with the Storage Aspect Ratio (SAR), which is the ratio of pixel dimensions.
Implementation Specifications: A style guide with detailed information about font sizes, pixel dimensions, colors, and wording for messages and labels can be helpful for developers.
The individual fonts in the collection have a short name that matches their respective pixel dimensions, plus a letter that indicates a bold or oblique variant.
The photo's resolution is about 5MP, but the final pixel dimensions (2291 x 2235) don't match the existing iPhone 4 (2592 x 1936).