However, the reviewer chided HP for the low resolution display which showed approximately "two lines" less than netbooks with 1024x600 pixel displays.
This phone is a 4 line phone phone with gigabit Ethernet ports, and a 240 x 160 pixel display.
The proposed "3M computer" workstations included a million pixel display and a megabyte of memory, running at a million instructions per second.
V-by-One HS has been originally developed to replace internal interfaces of digital pixel displays.
This results in a 17600 x 6000 pixel display.
Features include a 2-line pixel display (as opposed to the 7-segment display of several other calculators), and a quiz-like "problem-solving" mode.
In large-screen television technology, wobulation is Hewlett-Packard's term for a form of interlacing designed for use with fixed pixel displays.
Epson and E Ink developing 2400x1650 pixel display.
A typical 320 by 200 pixel display with even a single bit per pixel would require 8000 bytes of memory to store the framebuffer.
(The iPhone 5's 1,136 x 640 pixel display is an example).