This is the pixel format in which remotely-sensed images are stored.
Interlaced scanning and rectangular pixel formats.
With the help of Synchromy, each of the specific Sheer codecs can input and output all supported uncompressed pixel formats - currently a couple dozen.
This is certainly a huge step up as far as pixel format, and every time you do that, there will be yield issues.
The chip was limited to a 16-bit (Highcolor) pixel format when performing 3D acceleration and a 16-bit Z-buffer.
Configuring the camera-This function could support a range of camera features such as frame size, acquisition speed, pixel format, gain, image offset, etc.
This display had a pixel format of 3840x2400 (QUXGA-W) with 204 ppi.
To ensure a basic level of interoperability, DVI compliant devices are required to support one baseline video mode, "low pixel format" (640x480 at 60 Hz).
The 24-bit pixel (24bpp) format supports 16,777,216 distinct colors and stores 1 pixel value per 3 bytes.
The video card must also have support for all the pixel formats used by Quartz, and support multitexturing.