She couldn't have been more than twenty-two or twenty-three, small and frail with a dark pixie cut.
Hairstylists are being inundated with requests for pixie cuts and the Bieber swish.
Her short brown pixie cut spiked up all over.
When she lopped off her long hair for a short pixie cut, many Iranian women followed suit.
She proffered her own as an example: there was the iconic smile and pixie cut washed with a chic gray screen.
Though many celebs are sporting boyish pixie cuts of late, Knightley has gone a different direction.
Found the dark wig, with the pixie cut.
I couldn't wait until Prescott learned that this funky chick with a nose ring and hot-pink pixie cut was a law school graduate.
They should only make fun of pixie cuts and short boyish hair cuts because they look manly.