Boston The spaghetti and pizza dinner with Saul's old colleagues from MIT was going very well.
No candy bar or pizza dinners.
One night Mr. Paliscak's pizza dinner was interrupted when a car crashed through the motel wall and into his room.
The day ended with a pizza dinner and good feelings all around, said people who were there.
Last Monday night's hot pizza dinner sat unfinished on the dresser, near the mirror.
We made it back to Nelson in time for a pizza dinner on the deck at Tealcot.
They always did things as a family: long walks, bike rides, pizza dinners.
"I think it's cool," said JoAnn Gorman, as she sat down to a pizza dinner near the train station with her husband, Marty.
Women come and talk over a pizza dinner while their children are looked after in the next room.
"I promised the kids that if we won, I would take them out for a pizza dinner, and I did that night."