Then they built a staircase up one side and placed chairs and a table on top, the better to keep guests' feet warm.
Organisation of space can be as simple as considering carefully how you place a single wooden table and chair - but it is always important.
"I will place a table for you in the aisle."
They place a square table in the centre of their courtyard and cover it with a red cloth.
Earlier that evening, we placed a table in the center of the room.
He had placed a table in the doorway.
Heller had placed a big table in the middle of the hangar floor.
She had put a coverlet over him and had placed a small table and chairs in the room.
In the center of the Hall there had been placed a long, polished table, flanked on opposing sides by chairs.
This is a typical work kitchen, too, unless the two other cabinet rows are short enough to place a table at the fourth wall.