Then sat she down, she and her sisters, placing amidst them the porter, who kept deeming himself in a dream.
Klein placed himself via his characters squarely amidst the Jewish Diaspora and 20th century Zionist coalescence-the author as character seeking exploration, experience, and identity.
A German art critic, H. Kellenbenz, placed the Latvian painter amidst the Western Impressionists with his very personal and restrained palette.
He placed the headquarters of his Air Command at Basra, amidst the refineries and oil deposits.
The defence of the person who had, been charged with destroying a mona, or sacred olive, places us amidst the country life of Attica.
He placed the black-handled knife atop the hot water heater amidst the thick dust and spider webs.
Jess placed his chalk and ruler on the edge of the lion cage, amidst some dry, dusty straw.
As soon as Goewyn had gone, Govan brought out a green jar which she placed amidst the burning coals of the iron brazier.
On August 18, 1814 Fray Luis Gíl y Taboada placed the cornerstone of a new Franciscan church amidst the ruins of the original assistencia.
Agondjo Okawé was the PGP candidate in the December 1993 presidential election; he placed third amidst opposition allegations of fraud.