Uthman, during his reign, placed some of the notorious members of his clan at prominent and strong positions throughout the state.
Brightly colored standards with symbols and designs strange to behold were placed at various positions along the leading edge of the army.
These logic functions are simply placed at regular predefined positions and manufactured on a wafer, usually called master slice.
And he placed his men at strategic positions from which they could repel the Indian attack.
The settlements are often placed at important strategic positions on small hills overlooking the surrounding country side.
"Random" fabrication, in which the sensors are placed at arbitrary positions on the chip, is an alternative to the serial method.
To help shooters, most ranges have wind flags placed at useful positions around the range to display the wind conditions.
Almost all manufacturers of video terminals added vendor-specific escape sequences to do operations such as placing the cursor at arbitrary positions on the screen.
Second, he placed all these contemporaneous fossils at different positions on his vertical branches, implying that they represented evolutionary diversification through time.
Readers can be placed at different positions within a factory or warehouse to show when goods are moved, providing continuous inventory control.