In set design, a player may place props, cameras, and collideable triggers.
This year they hope to place cameras on the sea floor to search for escaping hot water, which would confirm the existence of the chambers.
At the meeting here, the Canadians told of using a submersible to place time-lapse cameras on the sea floor.
It is not enough to simply place cameras around the scene to be captured.
With a taller robot, he can place sensors and cameras in a higher position.
Another protest involved a discotheque that had placed cameras even in the toilets to stop drug dealing.
As photographic techniques made further progress, at the end of the 19th century some pioneers placed cameras in unmanned flying objects.
Others have posed as volunteer workers, placing cameras inside boxes of food.
Home owners have found that placing fake cameras outside their doors is an inexpensive way to deter unwanted visitors.
High-altitude balloons have also been used to place cameras and other equipment into what is termed "near space".