It is a test for Chicago as housing officials try to eliminate a ghetto by placing most of Robert Taylor's tenants in private apartments.
They also assailed the developers for placing drug addicts in vacant apartments.
For four years he had been working hard to place black families in apartments in Harlem, an area recently developed as an upscale, whites-only neighborhood.
This week the mayor of Houston announced that after placing nearly 30,000 hurricane victims in apartments, his city was full.
But that's no reason to begin placing such people in apartments.
Instead, the judge said the city must wait until homeless adults who go there have been placed in apartments or other, more permanent shelter.
The rest will probably be placed in mobile units on campus and in apartments in town.
Through partnerships with local apartment communities, families are placed in affordable apartments where the rent is paid in gradually increasing increments.
Dallas officials have placed 745 families in apartments for two months using $2.7 million raised in donations.
They would screen families and place them in apartments or social service programs.