Global Vision International - travel organisation that places groups and individuals on volunteer projects.
They see it as a solution to a problem faced by all social systems, that of 'placing and motivating individuals in the social structure'.
The system also allows tenants to place individuals on a barred list-unwanted solicitors or spouses in cases of domestic violence, for example.
Heavy metal exposure, when combined with certain genetic predispositions, can place individuals at increased risk for developing autism.
Further, similarity of facial features, along with context, might well allow you to place individuals into families and order their members according to age.
She has accused the government of rewarding criminals by placing individuals convicted of serious crimes high up on their national parliamentary lists.
Conversely, the programme has also attracted criticism for apparently placing fragile or unfit individuals in real danger.
A "norm-referenced" test is concerned with placing individuals in rank order of attainment.
Fair systems guarantee that education and training are independent of socioeconomic background and other factors that place individuals at a disadvantage.
- A large Supported Employment program which places individuals into community jobs.