The two agents moved out from the hotel slightly, placing themselves nearer cover offered by two parked cars.
This placed the brake caliper nearer the axle center-line, requiring slightly less effort to steer.
They lifted her gently, as if she were an old lady, and placed her nearer the mouth of the cave.
The move will place the ship nearer supplies, much of which come from Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, and to medical crew.
The move also placed Mary nearer her Philadelphia relations.
Alfred's second shot went wide of the mark, and as Jonathan placed another bullet in the circle, this time nearer the center, Alfred had to acknowledge defeat.
The purpose of the relocation, Mr. Treshman said, was to place the organization nearer Washington.
Barrow put the Crucifix on the Bible and placed them nearer Pisano.
It is an extremely valuable contribution in placing women nearer the centre of the European Union's foreign policy.
Discreetly she placed Celie's soup bowl, refilled, nearer the corner.