One plausible proposal would place international or American observers at the Golan monitoring stations now manned by Israelis, with Israel retaining access to information directly affecting its security.
NMFS caved in to pressure from the tuna industry, and claimed that it was possible to place observers aboard only 50 per cent of tuna seiners for the season beginning 1 January 1989.
The Canadian government has now decided to place observers on New Brunswick fishing boats to assess how and where the porpoises are captured.
The US delegation has been lobbying the United Nations to proceed in stages, most importantly placing military observers in Rwanda before sending peacekeepers in order to evaluate needs and obtain better intelligence, the sources said.
The US delegation has been lobbying the United Nations to redeploy the troops in stages, most importantly placing military observers in Rwanda before sending peacekeepers in order to evaluate the situation on the ground, diplomats said.
For this week's eclipse the best placed observers to see it in it's entirety are those in East Africa, central Asia, Middle East and West Australia, lasting a total of 1 hour and 6 minutes.
The problem of Soviet attacks on all aircraft in sight was deemed so serious that when President Roosevelt flew to Yalta in February 1945, the American insisted on placing observers at all nearby anti-aircraft sites.
We have, however, been singularly unsuccessful in our efforts to place observers among them.
The UNITED NATIONS Security Council voted to review options for placing observers to verify that SERBIA is keeping its promise to cut off supplies to Bosnia's Serbs.
Since quantum mechanics involves quantum superpositions, which are not perceived by observers, some interpretations of quantum mechanics place conscious observers in a special position.