He placed his thumb on the white square and looked up at the screen.
Sometimes we placed our stakes on the same square and then I lost.
One grain of corn placed on the first square on the board.
A knight placed on the middle square (e-5) can be captured.
The four white cubes she placed on the white square diagonally to her right.
People then place bets on the square that they believe will be defecated on first by one of the cows.
He or she can do this as long as the strategy doesn't call for placing a stone on the 'arbitrary' square that is already occupied.
Pedersson took a pace forward and placed his right hand firmly on the white square.
He then placed his right hand on the white square, and left it there for several seconds.
Scott then placed the palm of his hand on the white square, and a few seconds later the middle bulb turned green.