She placed black pebbles over their eyes, then raised her arms, lifted her face to the sky, and began the quavering death lay.
Then lay the leaf on a tray of moist compost, holding it in place and pressing it onto the compost by placing several pebbles on top.
In the traditional South American style, pipes are fine-tuned to correct pitch by placing small pebbles or dry corn kernels into the bottom of the pipes.
And she had placed pebbles in a circle on a grassy bank to the gods of the streams who, while not as strong as Uctut, could sometimes outwit him.
The poor began to place flowers and pebbles on graves to detect disturbances.
This instrument is powered by children placing single or multiple pebbles into any of the thousands of holes in the instrument.
Visitors by the hundreds place pebbles on their tombs in remembrance or leave messages written on slips of paper asking intercession to bring good luck or blessing.
In "Waterdrops," left, Hermann Pitz placed large transparent pebbles on a table to evoke the serenity of Japanese ponds.
How It All Began The genesis, one young man held, was that in the early days visitors placed pebbles on the rabbi's tomb, following Jewish tradition.
Aillas recorded the passage of days by placing pebbles on a ledge.