Turn the chops over and place the bone toward the inside of the dish.
He placed the 36 percent premium, based on Friday's closing prices, within but toward the upper end of the common range for computer services acquisitions.
Many of those proposals would place the United States in violation of its international obligations toward refugees.
He turned grumpily over, placing his back toward the fire.
With his eyes on me, he moved the straight chair over and placed it about five feet from me, the back toward me.
He placed it on his fingers and tilted it toward Ralph.
With the knowledge of the memories of those before him, he walked, placing each foot silently, toward the odors.
Mr. Dukakis has tried to place himself toward the center of the political spectrum.
She faced Jerry, which placed her back toward me.
Add white and light green pieces of scallions, placing them toward the center of the pan.