There will be more than 1,500 units in the condo-hotel building, and owners may place units in a rental program.
Imagine using it to place units in a tower defense game without your hand obscuring the game.
Marketers use posters to achieve advertising objectives and increase brand awareness by placing multiple units in strategic locations while lowering the cost per thousand impressions.
Instead of purchasing units, players get them by placing units on "Reinforcement Charts" and then moving them to the play board.
CDAU is not an independent unit but placed subordinate to the different line units.
This can be an issue when placing units in an unfinished area, such as a garage.
Station management placed mobile units on the streets of Macon throughout most of the day and night.
This involves placing units purchased in step 1 in eligible territories.
Some entrepreneurs have placed such units in mall kiosks.
The player can modify the map by placing and modifying rivers, landmasses, mountains, resources, units and cities.