The left hand was placed opposite the right breast, just far enough from the body to allow clear action.
If totally covered, the piece is placed opposite the next player behind the red spot.
If it does not, place a small block of wood under the legs at the end opposite the valve.
A large 18th-century screen, for instance, was placed a few feet opposite the front door to create a makeshift entrance hall.
Rather than marking the ballot with an X, numbers were to be placed opposite the names in order of choice.
If used to line the walls of the arena, the flag should be placed directly opposite the entrance.
Banks shifted some old medical journals from the only remaining chair and placed himself opposite the doctor.
A large bed was placed against the wall opposite the fire, and a single window was fashioned beside the door.
Standing arm's length from a wall, place the hand opposite the painful hip against the wall for support.
The garden itself was placed directly opposite the Kremlin and doubled as a fire barrier within a wooden city.