Condensing unit can be placed outdoors with optional housing.
Sculptures like this one were made to be placed outdoors near graves, where time and weather would wear them away.
As done in the Groningen field, the full installation can additionally be placed outdoors without the need of a large compressor building.
Once they are freed, calf carcasses will be placed outdoors for them.
Usually the kerosene heater is placed outdoors and allowed to operate until it runs out of fuel.
It is kept dry in winter, placed outdoors in summer for full growth.
There is a tremendous difference, of course, between works commissioned for specific architectural spaces, like the Serra, and works that have simply been placed outdoors.
The added durability of concrete means they can be placed indoors or outdoors, leading to many being located in local parks and community areas.
What was placed outdoors as a single house plant in May now has a whole family of baby plants.
Mushrooms can be grown on logs placed outdoors in stacks or piles, as has been done for hundreds of years.