The locations where the band and ribbons attach to a shoe is critical, as incorrect placement can result in a poorly fitting shoe.
The hasty placements may result in residents leaving the placements because they are not appropriate for them.
The placement of a skater only two spots from the majority of judges can result in a charge of bias.
The placement of the radiologist behind the screen resulted in significant radiation doses to the radiologist.
Submuscular placement can result in deformity.
However, for some patients, the correct placement and stimulation may only result in a mild sensation in the ankle area or across the sole of the foot.
That placement resulted in four column-free cantilevered corners on each floor, which Kahn filled with windows.
All services offer paid advertising options which typically offer preferred placement on search results pages.
The sign and its placement resulted in a formal accusation of desecration, in addition to the two accusations of premeditated murder.
Its placement has resulted in its becoming a major commuter route.