Ask them what they found in the circle of the dead within that barrier up there-wh*at may come again to plague us in future years.
The industry has been plagued in recent years by intense competition from foreign manufacturers.
The railway line has been plagued in recent years with repeated damage to the track bed caused by severe storms.
The problem of performance-enhancing drug use has plagued virtually all sports in recent years.
Murphy's Law seems to have plagued the trade talks in recent years.
The company has been plagued by a number of Government investigations and lawsuits in recent years.
Plagued by drug-related crime and poverty in recent years, the neighborhood has long been a stronghold of working-class families.
Having been plagued by legal and financial problems in recent years, the association is far from assured that it will retain the franchise.
Hunting also continues as well as an unidentified disease that has plagued the herds in recent years.
Such problems have plagued both Kiwi and its passengers in recent years.