Most of'em kicked out of other holds for poor management or plain laziness.
Your problem is plain laziness compounded by indifference and maybe a dollop of malice.
The problem is blamed on the land users themselves, who are seen to have mismanaged the environment because of lack of environmental awareness, ignorance, apathy and just plain laziness.
I wondered out loud whether this was indicative of an extreme love of Christmas or just plain laziness.
And then there's lack of time, or lack of transportation, or physical disabilities, or (for those of us not too proud to admit it) just plain laziness.
PART OF WHAT'S INVOLVED in quotation and appropriation is just plain laziness.
It's just plain mental laziness.
But the elder's prized rabbit skin headdress-that was no accident; that was plain laziness.
As one focus group participant put it: "The fast life, just plain laziness, withdrawal symptoms" prevented adherence to prenatal care.
It's just plain laziness, though, that's all.