The plain pasta with only cheese and black pepper on it, takes about three minutes to make.
If little ones balk at lasagna filled with chicken, shiitake mushrooms and tomatoes ($12), plain pasta with butter or olive oil is always an option.
That spending $25 for a plate of plain pasta is pointless.
Publishers are trimming the fat these days and not just by ordering plain pasta with chopped tomatoes when they have lunch at the Four Seasons.
Another way to round out the menu is to serve the greens over plain pasta.
Like 11-year-olds who will dine only on chicken nuggets and plain pasta, the Karner blue is a picky eater.
When a bright red river surged from beneath the plain pasta, Teller stood up, dripping red palms outstretched.
A 5-year-old boy, well known to the waitress, was offered plain pasta or a cheeseburger, while his father was spared the usual $3 for corkage.
Also cold plain pasta, with raw tomatoes, grated cheese and LOTS of mayonaise.
Hamburgers, fries and plain buttered pasta followed.