She learned her letters as if by magic, and was very soon able to read plain reading; but the sewing was a more difficult matter.
Any plain reading would immediately pose problems of coherence and sense to any open-minded reader.
This is different than the plain reading for UCC 2-713.
When February arrived, I saw signs which were mighty plain reading.
A plain reading of the text is that Onan was killed because he refused to follow instructions.
With no clear legislative guidance, Rutledge argued for a plain reading of the term "expenditure."
Many parents, therefore, still prefer to rely on traditional measures like plain unadjusted reading and math scores and their own inspections of schools.
A plain reading of the Clean Air Act shows that the states are right.
The trick, of course, is to make the music seem so integral that a plain reading would seem naked without it.
Instead, they taught him about what is called peshat - the plain reading of Torah text.