She was a plain-faced woman, but not unkind.
Colonel Horter was a plump, plain-faced woman of fifty-five.
Above, a window opened and a plain-faced woman in a dirty head scarf tossed a bucket of refuse into the alley.
A plain-faced Liaden woman in the costume of Thodelm entered, a tow-headed Terran child at her side.
He placed himself demurely between two lumpy, plain-faced young women.
Lady Sanga, a plump, plain-faced and gray-haired woman, was sitting on the large settee at the front of the wagon.
Rasmussen's wife, a small, plain-faced woman, looked upward with a stricken expression.
A plain-faced woman at least twenty years older than any of the Two Rivers folk, she was wide-eyed, although wiping away tears with her apron and shaking.
A plain-faced woman who loved lace on her robes.