When he opened it, a flute lay inside, plainly made but mounted with silver.
Mr. Parker has plainly made an effort to transport himself to this more innocent era.
Plainly made, but by a very good weaponsmith, perhaps even a master.
They were plainly made, like kitchen tables, and were obviously working benches.
The cross is plainly made of wood, not gold or precious marble.
Therandil protested, though Cimorene's talk of when all the dragons come back had plainly made him nervous.
Mr. Star has plainly made an effort to move beyond the teen and 20-something genre that, in many ways, he helped create.
You enter at street level and climb a grand if plainly made staircase to reach the sanctuary.
He was in good hard shape, able to keep up with the Roman legionaries on march, but riding plainly made different demands.
Artificial signals, plainly not made by men, are now reaching Earth every seventy-nine minutes from remotest space.