I plainly perceive that my power will never be firmly established until I have one.
I plainly perceived the perils with which we were surrounded, but it was more difficult to suggest any remedy.
Looking at the corner, I plainly perceived the mark of Mr. Jellyby's head against the wall.
"Because he plainly perceives that his piquette* stands in need of being enlivened by a mixture of good wine."
"Yes, it was I; so you may plainly perceive that you have no mercy to expect of you do not tell me the whole truth."
This I perceive plainly.
They perceived plainly the way in which atoms build up molecules, and comprehended the molecular structure of matter.
In profile, you plainly perceive that horizontal, semi-crescentic depression in the forehead's middle, which, in a man, is Lavater's mark of genius.
"No doubt he is," Trevelyan said, plainly not perceiving this as mitigation.
My men evinced a sullen demeanor, neglected all orders, and I plainly perceived a settled discontent upon their general expression.