The killer listened as the question was plainly put to him: What might the officer have done differently to live?
Glenarvan hesitated before replying to a question so plainly put.
Put plainly, I am not at liberty to divulge that information.
It was, plainly put, one of the worst weeks in Broadway history.
Plainly put, this Iago has been rejected, he doesn't like it and he's going to get back.
Put plainly, I am planning and preparing for my own death.
Plainly put, they have distorted the reality they initially sought to understand.
To put it even more plainly (with apologies to John!).
Put plainly, during the worst economic and social crisis, Estonia has kept its house in order.
Don't you think if I were to see him again, and put the matter more plainly before him, something might be arranged?