His tall form was plainly revealed to the men in the armored car.
The new illumination plainly revealed the two men as characters of a strangely different type.
He was clutching his suitcase, blinking into the brilliance that had so plainly revealed him.
Plainly revealed were the tracks of their companions, all pointing deeper into the cavern.
But he was bare-chested, revealing plainly what was painted there.
It was a passage, narrow at the bend but wider farther in as their flashlights plainly revealed.
Peter Foley, the men's halfpipe coach, thinks it plainly reveals to the athlete what is going on during their tricks.
Plainly revealed in the first movement, the steps are part of ever-changing patterns, an emotional framework that gives them a fresh luster.
Against whitened marble and shining bronze, his cloaked figure was plainly revealed.
When the dust cleared, the radio operator was plainly revealed, up in its now wall-less second-story room.