They drew water from the sky to fill the crater and then sold it to the plains people for watering crops and the like.
Beyond the circles of firelight a large number of plains people had gathered; druidic festivals were always popular, especially when things went wrong.
During his reign, in 1758 there was conflict with the Dafla because of raids by them on the plains people near Ghiladhari.
But he was tired, and moreover, he had suddenly had his fill of overbearing plains people.
"All the plains people try to kill us," he replied.
You will have to stay very close, for you plains people cannot see very far in the clouds.
The plains people did not participate in the courts of the Dimasa Kachari king directly.
You are very wise, you plains people.
But the ruins were of the plains people, and they depended only on steel in their own two hands.
These are newly raised soldiers who won distinction in the push east and the conflicts with the plains people.