If the bank had terminated Madoff's accounts then, the plaintiffs would not have lost their money.
The plaintiff lost control of the car, which left the road down the steep slope and flipped over.
The plaintiffs, seven couples who have been together for 14 to 35 years, lost at the trial level and in intermediate appeals courts.
The judge refused permission for it to be presented and the two plaintiffs lost their case earlier this year.
In the past, most plaintiffs have lost because juries felt that smokers chose to smoke.
In such a case the plaintiff has lost his earnings and is entitled to damages.
If the settlement were not approved and the case actually went to trial, the plaintiffs might very well do even worse, or lose altogether.
The case went to trial and the plaintiffs lost.
Where a plaintiff loses, the attorney may not receive any money for his or her work.
As a result of the operation, the plaintiff lost all feeling in her leg.