Harry is also known for planning grand schemes but somehow he always end up executing them as petty misdeeds.
In the afternoon and evening I felt myself light and easy, and began to plan schemes of life.
As expected, Soledad opposes their romance and even plan drastic schemes which eventually bring Emilio to the brink of death.
He busied himself in planning ineffectual schemes for escaping both present and future punishment.
All day she planned new and diabolical schemes for revenge.
Also, he's hardly seen with his sister, Zuri, unless they're planning "schemes" together, but she usually leaves him to fend for himself.
Baker also plans schemes that help industry to exploit technologies developed by universities.
Nothing I got from Tamsin added up to the kind of emotional horror that could plan and execute such clever schemes against herself.
He and Damon planned, wild and futile schemes.
Saccard goes to prison, but wastes no time before planning new financial schemes - with the aid of his gaoler.