They plan to introduce it as legislation early next year.
Current is already planning to introduce new services, including an Internet phone service later this year.
He plans to introduce them at a major cable industry trade show later this month.
The Senate plans to introduce a similar bill in the fall.
We plan to introduce new features in the near future.
The university plans to introduce a new book each year.
Toyota plans to introduce the model into the market by 2012.
The client plans to introduce several new products next year.
After a few phone calls he came back to say that they weren't planning to introduce them until the Spring of 2012.
He plans to introduce it again in the 112th Congress.
Finally, there is a plan to introduce high speed rail to Poland from around 2014.
There were no current plans to introduce it into any of the 2008 revivals.
There are no plans to introduce color into the main news section of the Sunday paper.
There are plans to introduce a trolleybus network in the city soon.
It has no immediate plans to introduce its technology into the United States.
There are plans to introduce tram services in the city.
There are no plans to introduce this service in the near future.
There are plans to introduce other local sporting heroes in the future.
President Clinton is on the right track with his plan to introduce a similar standardized testing system.
There are plans to introduce Cyclops instruments throughout the country.