The Theatre Club also plans workshops, field trips, and social activities.
The commission will distribute copies of the handbook when it becomes available in the fall - it can be ordered now by calling (202) 942-7040 - and is planning workshops around the country to walk companies through the clear-writing process.
He is still not ready to preach about AIDS from the pulpit, he says, but he has sent for literature and is planning workshops.
The catalog, which was posted on the Web in March, will be used to help instructors plan motivational workshops on the beauty of failure.
Ms. Greenbaum conducted two workshops in Connecticut last fall and has workshops planned in Westchester through this fall.
The Rogue Theatre group is planning performances, puppet shows, dance and jewellery-making workshops.
The FCC planned workshops to discuss the reforms.
In the summer of 1965 King began planning and conducting workshops to help movement volunteers remain active in civil rights issues once they went home.
The Committee meetings, held at Conventions, are open to participation by members and non-members alike, and are the venue for planning workshops, seminars and conferences in specific technical areas.
The group plans various seminars and workshops.