Like a straw in a hurricane the plane hurtled through the sky.
The plane was hurtling groundward; spinning, its fall partly aided The Shadow.
There was a sharp rattle of steel wheels and a rushing blur of motion as the plane hurtled forward, passing 180 miles per hour in less than three seconds.
The plane is hurtling through the star-pocked blackness of the desert night toward a destination that for security reasons has not been revealed to me.
The plane hurtled on towards the ground but, luckily, ran out of fuel just before reaching it and so the rabbit was saved.
My storm-tossed plane hurtled with reckless speed toward the edge of the vast blind spot; I could see nothing whatever ahead.
He did not think of Lucy again until the plane was hurtling along over the evergreen land far below.
The plane hurtled forward.
It dived again and weight returned, heavy, crushing, as the plane hurtled toward those bare brown hills, engines screaming, wind whistling through the shaking, rattling cabin.