The rear of the jet was on fire, and as the plane yawed the slipstream pushed the flames up over Locher's canopy.
The Icarus had shot up past him so fast that the trim little plane was yawing and rolling madly in a cyclone of disrupted air.
The plane yawed across the target.
Beer hosepiped his fire all over the sky while his plane was yawing and skidding.
Soon the plane was bouncing, pitching, and yawing in abrupt jerks.
He peered intently through the swirling black cloud mass in which the plane was yawing and pitching.
Despite its massive size, the plane pitched and yawed like a kite on a string.
The plane yawed and tilted and settled into a long shallow glide path.
But how your guts felt when the plane yawed [284] unexpectedly.
The plane suddenly yawed to the right, then to the left.