Later observations showed that this planet also transited the star.
When the secondary star or planet transits the primary, it blocks part of the latter's disc, preventing some of the shifted light from reaching the observer.
Because the planet transits the star, the star is dimmed by about 2% every 3.5 days making it an extrinsic variable.
Because the planet transits the host star its radius can be determined using the transit method and was found to be slightly smaller than Jupiter's.
It was the part of the first confirmed star system in which multiple planets transited the same star.
A tiny decrease of light (0.003 magnitudes) was detected every time the planet was transiting the star, thus confirming its existence.
Real-time radial velocity measurements detected the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect caused by the planet passing in front of its star before photometric measurements confirmed that the planet was transiting.
If the planet transits the star as seen from our direction, the radius should be measurable, albeit with some uncertainty.
For an Earth-like planet at 1 AU transiting a Sol-like star the probability is 0.465%, or about 1 in 215.
When the planet transits the star, light from the star passes through the upper atmosphere of the planet.