The orrery was already set to the approximate planetary positions relative to Earth; she could make whatever final adjustments were needed in the morning.
They are based on analogies of the planetary positions during their daily course.
Finally, the frequency is higher if both parents are born under the same planetary position.
Besides all this, the actual effects of the planetary positions and aspects are still almost entirely unknown.
The temple is believed to cure problems due to planetary position for people born in the Thiruvadhirai star.
Based on this model, mathematical calculations could be made that predicted planetary positions to a great degree of accuracy.
According to tradition, the planetary positions on this night are such that there is a powerful natural upsurge of energy in the human system.
The almanac was likely Copernicus's tables of planetary positions.
True or apparent planetary positions can be used.
Even planets and planetary positions are supposed to affect human behaviour.