If all the necessary planetary resources are given over to dealing with the situation, then we're confident of a swift and effective end to the problem.
Failure to register change of status was not an offense so long as she had not used planetary resources without sufficient credit.
He was himself a planetary resource, his training had made him so, and his feet were set on their path.
Our economy was faltering, our planetary resources were drying up.
Units and technology can be purchased with a combination of planetary resources and Trade Goods.
Fossil fuel companies should also not be allowed to make such obscene profits for using up a planetary resource.
Ward started to see a close connection between wealth distribution and conservation of planetary resources.
No informed decisions can be made regarding diplomacy without full data on planetary resources.
In contrast to the planets natural ecosystems, technology (or technoecosystems) is not reducing its impact on planetary resources.
You had the opportunity to utilize the planetary resources to maximize peace and prosperity for all, but you weren't up to the task.