Rossby waves, or planetary waves are huge, slow waves generated in the troposphere by temperature differences between the ocean and the continents.
It looks like an impossible planetary cold wave.
Lindzen's early work was concerned with ozone photochemistry, the aerodynamics of the middle atmosphere, the theory of atmospheric tides, and planetary waves.
Lindzen's work on atmospheric tides led him to the study of planetary waves and the general circulation of atmospheres.
Rossby waves (or planetary waves) are large-scale motions in the atmosphere whose restoring force is the variation in Coriolis effect with latitude.
Robert, A., 1965: The behaviour of planetary waves in an atmospheric model based on spherical harmonics.
Non-linear interactions between tides and planetary waves.
Atmospheric waves range in spatial and temporal scale from large-scale planetary waves (Rossby waves) to minute sound waves.
Typical group velocities for each component are the following: 1 cm/s for gravity waves and 2 mm/s for planetary (Rossby) waves.
Propagation of El Niño effect through planetary waves may have warmed the polar region and delayed the onset of the northern hemisphere glaciation.