Though they maintain the plangent tone, in disastrous mimicry of their targets they look through or past the potential donor.
Mayneth touched a gong with his fingers, producing a plangent tone.
The strings' plangent tone is an apt foil for the surprising mellowness of the trumpets in Cantata No. 172.
Bumbry's voice was rich and sizable, possessing a wide range, and was capable of producing a very distinctive plangent tone.
Everywhere in the foreground is Fitzgerald's amiable wit, but behind that a deeper plangent tone.
His voice was still level and soft, but from some deeper well of feeling within him it had taken on a distant, plangent tone like a faraway bell.
Musically, his performance was a model, alternating plangent tone with sensitivity, though he did not cut a commanding figure onstage.
Years ago he had played, had never been really good at it, but had loved its plangent tones.
The vivacious color scheme contrasts with the plangent emotional tone, most noticeably in the bus station; it takes on life beyond just a framing device.
In plangent mock-Dirdir tones he spoke: "I will be expeditious; the ordinary ceremonies are inappropriate."