Tight budgets, it said, were forcing an emphasis on short-term planning and adding to a backlog of planned improvements.
The system has not been overhauled since 1907 and Mr. Clinton's planned improvements are modest, especially when you consider the threat to human health.
But Aetna said the changes would add only modestly to its costs because they were part of planned improvements in efficiency already under way.
Most of the more substantial planned improvements, however, have yet to be made.
Proposal for planned improvements dating from 2000 to 2002 with excellent photos and plans of the area.
Authorities that have been rate-capped and lost grant have had to cut services or put off planned improvements.
Earlier this year, the authority warned that without more income, it would have to consider cutbacks in planned improvements to the region's aging transportation infrastructure.
The transfer of management brought with it a number of planned improvements, none of which are yet financed, for the 800-acre site.
The study projected that significant capacity issues would remain by 2031, even with planned improvements on both networks.
Your business plan also needs to outline your operational capabilities and any planned improvements.