Version 0.9 was the last planned release for Thunderbird 2.
The film was originally reported to have a planned release of October 2012, just a month before the November 2012 elections.
As of now, there is no planned release for this track.
The development company is Rodeo Games, the planned release is for spring 2013.
The album leaked on October 8, 2012, more than one month before its planned release, causing a huge discussion among the band's fanbase.
The film is currently in post-production and has a planned release for 2013.
Rick Boardman went on to say that the album has a planned early 2013 release.
No further plans have been discussed since about any planned release of any of this material.
As the above video illustrates, the game was already delayed past its planned release in spring 2010.
Once the puzzles were solved, Portal 2 was unlocked about ten hours before its planned release.