Since the project was begun two decades ago, planners have been making lofty claims about the number of people who would pass through the station.
While planners have made no final decisions, the most likely alternative will be to tap the Hudson River, city environmental officials said.
Architects, engineers and other planners working on the science park have made many inspections of the old jail, almost always escorted by the police.
Meanwhile, in the European section of the site, the planners have made life easy for any debt-collection agencies.
Unfortunately, central planners have not made good choices in those hard decisions, and they never will.
In recent decades the city's planners have made efforts to diversify the economy into tourism, health care, and many other sectors.
But whether and when the planners of the project made the risks explicit enough to policymakers is unclear.
But military planners have made clear that bombs will not necessarily accomplish that.
"I don't know if the Staff's planners are making sufficient allowance for what they might do with that strength."
With this instrument, planners and farmers could make better use of the information gathered in the survey.