Nonetheless, the selection marks a critical step in one of the most compelling urban planning initiatives in the city's recent history.
The town is expected to see changes as part of Croydon Vision 2020, an urban planning initiative.
While long-term planning initiatives have been successfully drafted, ministries have struggled to implement them.
A final plan must be approved by the commission and town boards in the three towns by March 15 or the planning initiative will expire.
In her current role, she manages department-wide planning initiatives for San Francisco disaster preparedness.
Ms. Deutsch is not alone in seeing a need for broad planning initiatives.
So I am going to conclude my remarks today by offering you some guidance as you give thought to launching your own planning initiative.
In a referendum, Nolen's planning initiative received only 13 percent of the vote.
Both municipalities have expressed interests in collaborating with Beaufort County on regional planning initiatives.
From a policy perspective, several experts said that Hartford needed the help of strong regional planning initiatives, particularly in housing.