The fynbos heathlands of South Africa are second only to tropical rainforests in plant biodiversity with over 7,000 species.
It grows in areas with high plant biodiversity.
Currently, "over 130 non-native invasive plants" are threatening the plant biodiversity of this area.
It has appeared in marshes on the Iberian Peninsula, where it threatens native plant biodiversity.
Mount Lesueur has an extremely high level of plant biodiversity, making it of immense research and conservation importance to botanists.
The vegetation is quite homogeneous throughout the massif and there is great plant biodiversity in the Galician mountains.
Deforestation is directly linked with a decrease in plant biodiversity.
Additionally, it promotes the study and conservation of plant biodiversity, and works to raise awareness of the general public to this issue.
It does not refer to the huge threat from resistant, genetically-modified plants which shrink plant biodiversity and harbour dangers to public health.
However, since the arrival of loggers, the region's plant biodiversity had shrunk to just 20% native Amazonian plant life.