It also conserves some 2,000 plant genes in its seed bank.
It is the first plant gene controlling ion flow to be identified both functionally and biochemically.
Some of the trees, Dee's group leader had said, incorporated human genes as well as plant genes.
With colleagues, they have identified plant genes for symbiosis, and correlated these with specific stages in nodule development.
The commission is the only international political forum that deals with the flow and use of plant genes.
The scientists identified the specific plant gene involved in activating a cell that makes a substance needed for pollen production.
Moreover, fermentation technologies have improved, as has the ability to isolate and manipulate plant genes.
Don Grierson discovered several plant genes and studied their role in tomato ripening.
One is a plant gene called the resistance (R) gene.
Ancient plant genes, activated by the almost complete lack of food reserves, began their strange work.