At the time the plant received federal protection it was known from 28 populations in two Virginia counties.
In 11 years of operation, the plant had never received a safety inspection.
Though it seems weird that the plants receive no benefit from the bats.
Workers originally had 45 days from when their plant first received the buyout offer to decide on it.
According to a company spokeswoman, the plant has received complaints even on days when it is not operating.
The plants threw them back, but received a number of scorches in the process.
But the plant received a letter from the environmental agency 14 months ago that asked for records on every change made since the original construction.
The plant received permission to begin full operations on July 1.
These plants should receive first priority when the garden hose is in use.
But because the plant receives just two hours of electricity a day, it is running nowhere near full strength.