As you increase the light, the plants grow faster and show more females/less males.
The plants are also showing stress signs of the severe drought that was experienced in the Northeast last summer and fall.
Every plant shows a single swollen root, which thins out toward both ends.
Some plants show their stuff in the fall and can help lighten your spirits.
Too often if a plant shows yellow leaves or stops thriving, the solution chosen is fertilizer.
The flowers are star-shaped, 5-petal, and solitary, some plants showing more than others.
The size of the pine trees and other mature plants shows how long the estate has been here.
This plant has shown potential as an agent of phytoremediation after oil spills.
Therefore, once plants show any signs of infection, they should be removed and destroyed.
Postemergent products, on the other hand, are applied to weeds after the plants have shown themselves.