He dipped between two houses and plasma flame lashed out behind him.
Eruptions seemed to coruscate up and down the densely packed funnel, converting what had formerly been sentient matter into white plasma flame.
The cover featured Dallas model Tammy Winters on the front (in very dark shadowing) as well as a tombstone and "plasma flames."
For answer, I fire my Number 3 infinite repeater at low yield, dragging plasma flame across one of the myriad pipelines fastened to the borehole wall.
An Isitri fighter dorsal strut was sheared off, sending the ship off course at an odd angle, plasma flame sputtering behind it.
One blossomed into plasma flame and fell quickly toward the gas giant.
The machine, which usually analyzes rocks, vaporized the syrup, then pushed it through a 15,000-degree plasma flame - hotter than the surface of the sun.
Vor's plasma flame struck down the gatherer robots, destroying everything else.
The plasma streamers whirling off the brown star ignited into a fury of red plasma flame that propagated forward and back.